
Tatçelik takes priority in investing in clean production technologies, preventing environmental pollution with waste management and using energy and water efficiently in all its activities and investments. 

Tatçelik is one of the first companies to have ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certificate in the sector.  

Focus of sustainability goals are; 

  • Reducing the amount of waste
  • Reducing natural resource use
  • Providing trainings and projects to raise environmental awareness
  • Reducing environmental accident
  • Compliance with legal obligations.

Water and Waste Water Management Activities  

Tatçelik follows the performance indicator of unit water amount consumed in final product production. It calculates and monitors monthly based on the total amount of water used during production activities in the performance indicator. 

Waste Management Activities

Tatçelik follows the performance indicators of the unit waste amounts generated in the production of the final product for each classification method. 

Within the scope of waste minimization;

When the life of the solvent chemical used in the paint line expires, it is cleaned and recovered and thus reduces the amount of waste.  

In the process of pickling, it provides the cleaning of the dust and rust on the surface of the sheet metal taken as raw material with HCl acid. It ensures that the HCL acid used in the process is cleaned in the ARP facilities so that it can be reused and restores the HCL acid to the pickling process. Thus, it prevents the formation of hazardous waste. 


Emission Management Activities

Scrubber and Dust Collector systems are available in Tatçelik factory chimneys. It ensures that the parameters to be measured in accordance with the legislation are measured regularly by authorized laboratories and the results are obtained at the limit values of the legislation. It also maintains measurement and monitoring systems for internal emission control in factory-wide processes.

Energy and Natural Resource Management Activities

Tatçelik continues its improvement efforts to protect energy efficiency. Within the scope;

  • Waste Water Treatment Facility and Utilities Operations offices are heated by making use of the waste heat of the compressors. 
  • Waste heat steam boilers are available in the chimneys belonging to the furnace processes to benefit from the waste heat of the flue gas and to protect the environment. At the same time, offices, dining halls, dressing rooms are heated with these systems. 
  • There are economizer systems in the boiler systems that enable the use of the heat of the flue gas.

V. Istanbul Carbon Summit 2018 and VII. Istanbul Carbon E-Summit 2021, Low Carbon Hero Award

Productivity Projects

Tatçelik was awarded the Second prize Across Turkey in Industrial Energy Efficiency Project Competition (SENVER-17).

In 2018, it was the winner of the first prize in the same project competition (SENVER-2018) throughout Turkey.

Tatçelik follows the technology and legislation closely with the energy efficiency fairs and summits it regularly participates in and improves the improvement works. 



Tatçelik prefers clean energy technologies that are environmentally sensitive, energy efficient, in all its investments. In addition to new investments equipped with the latest technologies, it modernizes existing facilities, increases production capacities, improves the quality of manufactured products and continuously improves its technological infrastructure. 

In addition, it carries out activities for the establishment of an innovation culture in the region, and projects are carried out jointly with Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University and Zonguldak Technopark.

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety

In Tatçelik, occupational safety is shaped not only to protect the factory itself but also to protect the people and the world. In order to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases, the Company continuously reviews its Occupational Health and Safety objectives and requirements through its performance and makes the necessary improvements, investments and audits.

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Tatçelik carries out Social Responsibility activities by aiming to develop social consciousness in this sense as well as production activities which it carries out with environmental protection awareness. Within the scope of environmental management activities, Forest Week and World Environment Day are celebrated with various activities, saplings are planted and saplings are distributed. 

In order to draw attention to the importance of child awareness, activities are organized for the children of company employees and various environmental competitions are held in the primary classes.

Tatçelik supports the social development of children, youth and adults with its investments.

Social Development

Social Development

Tatçelik sees preparing generations for the future as part of its working culture. It believes that generations that are capable of raising themselves socially and culturally are a prerequisite for a more responsive society, and therefore it is a supporter, enforcer and follower of activities aimed at social development both regionally and throughout the country.  

In this sense, through its investments at;

  • Hüseyin Tatoğlu Cultural Center,
  • Cemile Tatoğlu Kindergarten,
  • Şahinde – Hayrettin Yavuz Science and Art Center,

Tatçelik supports the social development of children, youth and adults with its investments.